Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Wise Old Sages

Copyright Dhiraj Joshi-written during the warm days of Summers 2003

One old sage hath uttered,
In pre-historic times;
That men would find their women,
Only when great God designs.

And behold this sayin,
Runs true till very date;
Some find them when they're only boys,
While others have to wait.

Some meet their girl in school, oh boy,
Some meet when undergrads;
While still those unlucky people,
Have to wait till they are grads.

Some find them all sweet and cute,
Some find them sauve and smart;
Graceful girls with charming smiles,
That would steal each mortal heart.

Another sage hath wondered,
Why women must be wed;
The answer's small, as without them,
All men would be dead.

Men would burn their food, of course,
And litter their tiny lives;
All world would seem so sad and still,
If men did'nt have wives.

And of course to look at the story,
From a woman's point of view;
Wonder why she needs to wed,
A man so kind and true.

A wise sage hath thus explained,
When she's old and by the cane;
Her man would seat her by the fire,
And walk down memory lane.

They would talk of them when they were young,
And how their love matured;
Of all the happy times they spent,
All the pains they endured.

About that precious moment,
When first came home a new life;
"Our handsome son looks like his dad",
The man would boast to his wife.

And then, the man so full of sleep,
To his girl now old and grey;
Will point to their pretty grandchild,
And to the God they would pray.

To the God they would pray,
That he gave them wisdom to wed;
The world's so beautiful now,
With lives that they have bred.

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